In Blue Triangle you can clone your custom dashboards to team members, or share them with your entire account. Here's how to do it:
Note: Only Dept Admins and Acct Admins can clone dashboards to other team members. Dept Viewers may only clone dashboards to themselves.
Clone a custom dashboard to a team member
1. Open up the dashboard manager by clicking the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. Select the check box next to the dashboard(s) you would like to clone to a team member.
3. Two options will appear at the bottom of the dashboard manager - Clone and Share. Select Clone and then search for the user(s) you would like to copy the dashboard to.
4. Finally, select Clone Dashboard and you're all set.
Share a custom dashboard with your account
1. In your custom dashboard, simply click the share button in the top right corner of the screen. This will share your dashboard with all users in your account.