Table of Contents
- Overview
- How to Find the Brand Attribution Page
- How to Filter the Brand Attribution Page
- Brand Value Attributed to Performance
- Brand Value Attributed to Page Load Time
- Brand Value Attribution by Page
Blue Triangle can attribute revenue to any change you make to your brand. The Brand Attribution page displays the gains or losses that can be attributed to the site's brand value performance. Use the drop down menu on the top left of the page to switch between reports.
How to Find the Brand Attribution Page
The Brand Attribution page can be found in the the left-side portal menu under Business Analytics, then Brand Attribution.
How to Filter the Brand Attribution Page
The quick filters can be found at the top of the page.
Brand Value Attributed to Performance
In the top left of the page is an an overview of Brand Value Attributed to Performance over the chosen time period. This compares the Total Performance Cost to Observed Total Brand Value.
This data is broken down by device type as well, to observe the impact of performance on brand value.
Brand Attributed to Page Load Time
On the right side of the page is a graph displaying brand value attributed to page load time, again broken down by device type.
Brand Value Attribution by Page
Next are graphs displaying brand value attributed to different pages. The table under the graph showcases more detailed data on changes of onload time of a page and how it affects brand value. Click the export button in the top right of the table to save this table as CSV, TSV, JSON, or Array.
Use the tabs at the top of the graph to switch between device types.