Code - Agent Returned Error Message |
Command | Description | Verbose Message |
600 - Content Error | N/A | One or more resources on the page failed to load. | There was content on the page that failed to load. This indicates there could be an issue with the way the page loaded, and thus have a possible effect on real user experience. These errors will appear yellow in the scatter plot. To configure content errors, select "yes" in the Enable Content Errors field under the Error Configuration section on the create/edit synthetic monitor screen. |
600-604 - Timeout | N/A | Page Timeout | The page did not load within the configured amount of time. |
601 - Verify Text Error | N/A | Verify Text Error | Text on the page configured to verify measurement success was not found. |
602 - Error Text Found | N/A | Error Text Found | Error Text Found - Text on the page configured to indicate an error was found. |
600-605 | N/A | Internal Agent Failure | The synthetic agent crashed during the measurement, and failed to capture data. If this persists, please contact us. |
600-606 | N/A | Chrome Crashed | Chrome crashed during the synthetic test and the synthetic agent failed to capture data. This is an anomaly. |
650 - Resource Error | N/A | The resource failed to load. | This error will appear in the HAR file in synthetic measurement details, and it indicates the resource failed to load. Next to this code is a descriptive error name (from Chrome). You can find the full list of these error names in the Chromium documentation here. Note: Chrome adds "ERR_" to the beginning of these error names. |
651 - Chrome Error | N/A | Chrome displayed it's error message. | Chrome was not able to load the app. This typically occurs when Chrome tries to navigate to an invalid (non-existing) URL. It can also happen due to too many redirects. |
7000 - generic command failure | generic (could be any) | The command failed, and our synthetic agent failed to identify the cause. | Look back to your script and verify everything is in order. However, this is likely an anomaly. |
7001 - generic command timeout | generic (could be any) | The command timed out and our synthetic agent failed to identify the cause. | Look back to your script and verify everything is in order. However, this is likely an anomaly. |
7010 - check - [error] no such element | check | The "check" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7011 - check - [timeout] | check | The "check" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7014 - check - [failure] | check | The "check" command failed. | Make sure the element provided is a toggle-button with the checkbox/radio feature. |
7014 - check - [failure] | check | The "check" command failed. | Make sure the element provided is a toggle-button with the checkbox/radio feature. |
7018 - click - [error] no such element | click | The "click" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7019 - click - [timeout] | click | The "click" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7022 - click - [failure] | click | The "click" command failed. | If this error appears more than a couple times, set a pause for a short amount of time before this. |
7026 - clickAndWait - [error] no such element | clickAndWait | The "clickAndWait" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7027 - clickAndWait - [timeout] | clickAndWait | The "clickAndWait" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7030 - clickAndWait - [failure] | clickAndWait | The "clickAndWait" command failed. | If this error appears more than a couple times, set a pause for a short amount of time before this. |
7034 - createCookie - [error] unable to create cookie | createCookie | The "createCookie" command failed. | Verify the nameValuePair variable is in the format "name=value"" |
7035 - createCookie - [timeout] | createCookie | The "createCookie" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7038 - deleteAllVisibleCookies - [error] failed to delete cookies | deleteAllVisibleCookies | The "deleteAllVisibleCookies" command failed. | It's rare to see this code, however, if it continues to persist, try deleting the cookies individually with deleteCookie(name, optionsString). |
7039 - deleteAllVisibleCookies - [timeout] | deleteAllVisibleCookies | The "deleteAllVisibleCookies" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7042 - deleteCookie - [error] failed to delete cookie | deleteCookie | The "deleteCookie" command failed. | Make sure the provided input corresponds with the format as outlined in the Selenium IDE. |
7043 - deleteCookie - [timeout] | deleteCookie | The "deleteCookie" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7046 - fireEvent - [error] invalid target parameter | fireEvent | The "fireEvent" command failed due to an invalid parameter. | The script failed at this step because our synthetic agent failed to parse the element locator. |
7047 - fireEvent - [timeout] | fireEvent | The "fireEvent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7050 - fireEvent - [error] no such element | fireEvent | The "fireEvent" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7054 - fireEvent - [error] unsupported target parameter | fireEvent | The "fireEvent" command failed due to an unsupported parameter. | The script failed at this step because our synthetic agent encountered an unsupported element locator for use in this case. Currently, our synthetic agent supports this command using only locators by 'id' or by 'css selector'. |
7058 - fireEvent - [error] event failed to fire | fireEvent | The "fireEvent" command failed. | The element failed to fire the given event. Make sure this element supports such an event. |
7062 - goBack - [error] failed to execute | goBack | The "goBack" command failed. | Our synthetic agent failed to navigate to this page. Remember, each time a Blue Triangle multi-step script runs it starts a fresh instance of the browser with a clear cache and no cookies until it begins the script. Don't attempt to go back when you know there isn't anything to go back to. |
7063 - goBack - [timeout] | goBack | The "goBack" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7066 - open - [error] failed to load url | open | The "open" command failed. | Our synthetic agent failed here because the given URL was invalid. Check your script and verify the URL is appropriate. |
7067 - open - [error] timeout; failed to get navigation timings | open | The "open" command timed out after 45 seconds" | The page could have appeared loaded but may not have fired the onLoad event. The onLoad event is what indicates to our synthetic agent that it may continue. |
7070 - pause - [failure] improper input | pause | The "pause" command received invalid input. | The pause command accepts integer parameters greater than 0 and less than 45 (seconds). |
7071 - pause - [timeout] | pause | The "pause" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7074 - refresh - [error] failed to execute | refresh | The "refresh" command failed. | The connection to the site may have fail and the request to refresh was rejected. |
7075 - refresh - [timeout] | refresh | The "refresh" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7078 - select - [error] failed to find element | select | The "select" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7079 - select - [timeout] | select | The "select" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7082 - select - [failure] failed to select label | select | The "select" command failed. | The option locator given may not exist within the drop-down list, the option locator may not be valid (supported option locators are label, value, id, and index), or the element used to perform the select command on may not be a drop-down, thus the select command will fail. |
7086 - select - [error] failed to find label | select | The "select" command failed because the optionLocator does not exist. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7090 - selectWindow - [failure] failed to switch to new window | selectWindow | The "selectWindow" command failed. | The JavaScript window ID of the window to select must not be valid. Or, no new window exists. |
7091 - selectWindow - [timeout] | selectWindow | The "selectWindow" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7094 - sendKeys - [error] failed to find element | sendKeys | The "sendKeys" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7098 - sendKeys - [error] failed to send keys | sendKeys | The "sendKeys" command failed. | The element may not be interactive or was not interactive at the time the command was issued. Try placing a brief 1-3 second pause before this command to give the element time to initialize properly. |
7102 - setTimeout - [error] max timeout exceeded; timeout unchanged. | setTimeout | The "setTimeout" command failed because the input parameter exceeded the maximum timeout. | The maximum timeout is 60 seconds. |
7103 - setTimeout - [timeout] | setTimeout | The "setTimeout" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7106 - setTimeout - [failure] unable to set timeout | setTimeout | The "setTimeout" command failed. | Input was invalid. Make sure the timeout parameter is an integer greater than 0 and less than or equal to 60000. |
7110 - store - [failure] new variable stored | store | The "store" command failed. | The parameters expression and variableName must have been invalid. These parameters must both be of type String. |
7111 - store - [timeout] | store | The "store" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7114 - submit - [error] failed to find element | submit | The "submit" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7115 - submit - [timeout] | submit | The "submit" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7118 - submit - [error] failed to execute | submit | The "submit" command failed. | The submit event failed on the given element. This element's type attribute may not be in the submit button state or may not have been in the submit button state when the command was issued. If the error persists, try placing a brief 1-3 second pause before this command. |
7122 - type - [error] failed to find element | type | The "type" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7123 - type - [timeout] | type | The "type" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7126 - type - [error] failed to send keys | type | The "type" command failed. | The element may not be interactive or was not interactive at the time the command was issued. Try placing a brief 1-3 second pause before this command to give the element time to initialize properly. |
7130 - typeKeys - [error] failed to find element | typeKeys | The "typeKeys" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7131 - typeKeys - [timeout] | typeKeys | The "typeKeys" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7134 - typeKeys - [error] failed to send keys | typeKeys | The "typeKeys" command failed. | The element may not be interactive or was not interactive at the time the command was issued. Try placing a brief 1-3 second pause before this command to give the element time to initialize properly. |
7138 - uncheck - [error] no such element | uncheck | The "uncheck" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7139 - uncheck - [timeout] | uncheck | The "uncheck" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7142 - uncheck - [failure] failed to uncheck | uncheck | The "uncheck" command failed. | The element may not be interactive or was not interactive at the time the command was issued. Try placing a brief 1-3 second pause before this command to give the element time to initialize properly. |
7146 - assertElementNotPresent - [failure] element present | assertElementNotPresent | The "assertElementNotPresent" command failed. | This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7150 - assertElementNotPresent - [error] no such element found | assertElementNotPresent | The "assertElementNotPresent" command failed. | This should not be an error. |
7154 - assertElementPresent - [error] no such element found | assertElementPresent | The "assertElementPresent" command failed. | There could have been an error in the format of the element locator. If not, this is indication of an error on the current page. |
7158 - assertElementPresent - [failure] element not present | assertElementPresent | The "assertElementPresent" command failed. | This is indication of an error on the current page. |
7162 - assertNotVisible - [error] no such element found | assertNotVisible | The "assertNotVisible" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7166 - assertNotVisible - [failure] timeout; visible | assertNotVisible | The "assertNotVisible" command failed because the element was visible. | This is indication of an error on the current page. |
7170 - assertTextNotPresent - [failure] pattern present | assertTextNotPresent | The "assertTextNotPresent" command failed. | This is indication of an error on the current page. |
7171 - assertTextNotPresent - [timeout] pattern present | assertTextNotPresent - [timeout] pattern present | The "assertTextNotPresent" command failed. | This is indication of an error on the current page. |
7174 - assertTextPresent - [failure] pattern not present | assertTextPresent | The "assertTextPresent" command failed. | This is indication of an error on the current page. |
7175 - assertTextPresent - [timeout] pattern not present | assertTextPresent - [timeout] pattern not present | The "assertTextPresent" command failed. | This is indication of an error on the current page. |
7178 - assertVisible - [error] no such element found | assertVisible | The "assertVisible" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7182 - assertVisible - [failure] timeout; not visible | assertVisible | The "assertVisible" command failed. | This is indication of an error on the current page. |
7186 - verifyElementNotPresent - [error] no such element found | verifyElementNotPresent | The "verifyElementNotPresent" command failed. | This should not be an error. |
7187 - verifyElementNotPresent - [timeout] | verifyElementNotPresent | The "verifyElementNotPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7190 - verifyElementNotPresent - [failure] present | verifyElementNotPresent | The "verifyElementNotPresent" command failed. | The element was always present. This could be an indication of an issue on the page. |
7194 - verifyElementPresent - [error] no such element found | verifyElementPresent | The "verifyElementPresent" command failed. | The element was never found. This could be an indication of an issue on the page. |
7195 - verifyElementPresent - [timeout] | verifyElementPresent | The "verifyElementPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7198 - verifyElementPresent - [failure] timeout; not present | verifyElementPresent | The "verifyElementPresent" command failed. | The element never became present. This could be an indication of an issue on the page. |
7202 - verifyNotVisible - [error] no such element found | verifyNotVisible | The "verifyNotVisible" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7203 - verifyNotVisible - [timeout] | verifyNotVisible | The "verifyNotVisible" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7206 - waitForNotVisible - [failure] timeout; visible | waitForNotVisible | The "waitForNotVisible" command timed out after 45 seconds. | The element never changed from the visible state. This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7207 - waitForNotVisible - [timeout] | waitForNotVisible | The "waitForNotVisible" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7210 - verifyTextNotPresent - [failure] pattern present | verifyTextNotPresent | The "verifyTextNotPresent" command failed. | This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7211 - verifyTextNotPresent - [timeout] | verifyTextNotPresent | The "verifyTextNotPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7214 - verifyTextPresent - [failure] pattern not present | verifyTextPresent | The "verifyTextPresent" command failed. | This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7215 - verifyTextPresent - [timeout] | verifyTextPresent | The "verifyTextPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7218 - verifyVisible - [error] no such element found | verifyVisible | The "verifyVisible" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7219 - verifyVisible - [timeout] | verifyVisible | The "verifyVisible" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7222 - verifyVisible - [failure] timeout; not visible | verifyVisible | The "verifyVisible" command failed. | The element never made it to the visible state. This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7226 - waitForElementNotPresent - [error] no such element found | waitForElementNotPresent | The "waitForElementNotPresent" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7227 - waitForElementNotPresent - [timeout] | waitForElementNotPresent | The "waitForElementNotPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7230 - waitForElementNotPresent - [failure] timeout; present | waitForElementNotPresent | The "waitForElementNotPresent" command failed. | This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7234 - waitForElementPresent - [error] no such element found | waitForElementPresent | The "waitForElementPresent" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7235 - waitForElementPresent - [timeout] | waitForElementPresent | The "waitForElementPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7238 - waitForElementPresent - [failure] timeout; not present | waitForElementPresent | The "waitForElementPresent" command failed. | This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7242 - waitForNotVisible - [error] no such element found | waitForNotVisible | The "waitForNotVisible" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7243 - waitForNotVisible - [timeout] | waitForNotVisible | The "waitForNotVisible" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7246 - waitForNotVisible - [failure] timeout; visible | waitForNotVisible | The "waitForNotVisible" command failed. | This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7250 - waitForPopUp - [failure] could not switch to pop-up | waitForPopUp | The "waitForPopUp" command failed. | The was an error in switching to the pop-up window. This could happen because of the absence of a pop-up or an error in the window ID. |
7251 - waitForPopUp - [timeout] | waitForPopUp | The "waitForPopUp" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7254 - waitForTextNotPresent - [failure] pattern present | waitForTextNotPresent | The "waitForTextNotPresent" command failed. | This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7255 - waitForTextNotPresent - [timeout] | waitForTextNotPresent | The "waitForTextNotPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7258 - waitForTextPresent - [failure] pattern not present | waitForTextPresent | The "waitForTextPresent" command failed. | This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7259 - waitForTextPresent - [timeout] | waitForTextPresent | The "waitForTextPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7262 - waitForVisible - [error] no such element found | waitForVisible | The "waitForVisible" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7263 - waitForVisible - [timeout] | waitForVisible | The "waitForVisible" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7266 - waitForVisible - [failure] timeout; not visible | waitForVisible | The "waitForVisible" command failed. | The element being waited on never made it to the visible state. This could be an indication of an issue on the current page. |
7270 - storeAttribute - [error] failed to parse locator/attribute | storeAttribute | The "storeAttribute" command failed because of an invalid parameter. | Make sure the attributeLocator is in the proper format: an element locator followed by an @ sign and then the name of the attribute (e.g. "foo@bar"")." |
7271 - storeAttribute - [timeout] | storeAttribute | The "storeAttribute" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7274 - storeAttribute - [error] failed to find element | storeAttribute | The "storeAttribute" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7278 - storeAttribute - [error] failed to get attribute value | storeAttribute | The "storeAttribute" command failed. | There was no attribute value given the attributeLocator, or the variableName parameter is invalid. Verify the attributeLocator is correct and that the variableName parameter is of type String. |
7282 - storeAttribute - [error] failed to get attribute value | storeAttribute | The "storeAttribute" command failed. | There was no attribute value given the attributeLocator, or the variableName parameter is invalid. Verify the attributeLocator is correct and that the variableName parameter is of type String. |
7286 - storeBodyText - [error] failed to get body text | storeBodyText | The "storeBodyText" command failed. | At this point in the script there was no tagName "body"" found. If this error persists |
7287 - storeBodyText - [timeout] | storeBodyText | The "storeBodyText" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7290 - storeCookie - [error] failed to gather cookies | storeCookie | The "storeCookie" command failed. | There was a problem gathering the currently set cookies. Make sure there are existing cookies at this point in the script. Otherwise, this is likely an anomaly. |
7291 - storeCookie - [timeout] | storeCookie | The "storeCookie" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7294 - storeCookieByName - [error] cookie does not exist | storeCookieByName | The "storeCookieByName" command failed. | The cookie specified by the name parameter does not exist. Verify this parameter is correct. |
7295 - storeCookieByName - [timeout] | storeCookieByName | The "storeCookieByName" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7298 - storeCookieByName - [error] failed to get cookie | storeCookieByName | The "storeCookiePresent" command failed. | There was no set cookie matching the cookie parameter. Verify this parameter is correct. |
7302 - storeCookiePresent - [error] cookie does not exist | storeCookiePresent | The "storeCookiePresent" command failed because the cookie does not exist. | Verify the cookie parameter matches an existing cookie. |
7303 - storeCookiePresent - [timeout] | storeCookiePresent | The "storeCookiePresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7306 - storeCookiePresent - [error] failed to get cookie | storeCookiePresent | The "storeCookiePresent" command failed. | There was no set cookie matching the cookie parameter. Verify this parameter is correct. |
7310 - storeElementPresent - [error] failed to find element | storeElementPresent | The "storeElementPresent" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7311 - storeElementPresent - [timeout] | storeElementPresent | The "storeElementPresent" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7314 - storeElementPresent - [error] failed to store element | storeElementPresent | The "storeElementPresent" command failed. | The variableName parameter must be invalid. Verify this parameter is of type String. |
7318 - storeExpression - [error] failed to store expression | storeExpression | The "storeExpression" command failed. | The expression and/or variableName parameter is invalid. These parameters must be of type String. |
7319 - storeExpression - [timeout] | storeExpression | The "storeExpression" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7322 - storeHtmlSource - [error] failed to store page source | storeHtmlSource | The "storeHtmlSource" command failed. | The variableName parameter must be invalid. Verify this parameter is of type String. |
7323 - storeHtmlSource - [timeout] | storeHtmlSource | The "storeHtmlSource" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7326 - storeLocation - [error] failed to store current url | storeLocation | The "storeLocation" command failed. | The variableName parameter must be invalid. Verify this parameter is of type String. |
7327 - storeLocation - [timeout] | storeLocation | The "storeLocation" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7330 - storeText - [error] failed to find element | storeText | The "storeText" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7331 - storeText - [timeout] | storeText | The "storeText" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7334 - storeText - [error] failed to store element text | storeText | The "storeText" command failed. | The variableName parameter must be invalid. Verify this parameter is of type String. |
7338 - storeTitle - [error] failed to store page title | storeTitle | The "storeTitle" command failed. | The variableName parameter must be invalid. Verify this parameter is of type String. |
7339 - storeTitle - [timeout] | storeTitle | The "storeTitle" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7342 - storeValue - [error] failed to find element | storeValue | The "storeValue" command failed because the element was not found on the page. | Check the script and verify the element locator for this command is correct. If it does appear correct and the script continues to fail at this command, try another locator type (e.g. xpath, css selector, id, etc.). |
7343 - storeValue - [timeout] | storeValue | The "storeValue" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7346 - storeValue - [error] failed to store value | storeValue | The "storeValue" command failed. | The variableName parameter must be invalid. Verify this parameter is of type String. |
7350 - verifyEval - [failure] evaluation failed. | verifyEval | The "verifyEval" command failed because the evaluation failed. | Your evaluation has failed in this instance. Usually this command is used to test various features or events on a webpage, so this error is indicating what was expected did not happen. |
7351 - verifyEval - [error] failed to perform evaluation. | verifyEval | The "verifyEval" command failed because the evaluation couldn't perform. | There was an error in performing this evaluation. Most likely, our synthetic agent was unable to parse the argument for evaluation. Check your script and make sure the appropriate syntax is used. |
7352 - verifyEval - [timeout] | verifyEval | The "verifyEval" command timed out after 45 seconds. | Something was preventing the command from executing. Look back to commands before this and make sure they set this one up for success. Also, check the screen shot and film strip for troubleshooting assistance. |
7353 - verifyEval - [error] timed out executing JavaScript. | verifyEval | The "verifyEval" command failed due to a timeout while executing the JavaScript evaluation. | Make sure the proper selenium evaluation syntax is being used. Also, check the possible values of the evaluation for any obvious errors. If all appears correct, there must have been an error in the browser preventing the JavaScript evaluation. |
7355 - runScript - [error] failed to execute | runScript | The "runScript" command failed to execute the JavaScript snippet. | |
7356 - runScript - [timeout] | runScript | The "runScript" command timed out while our synthetic agent was attempting to execute it in the browser. |