Table of Contents
The Site Event Markers page allows you to configure lined annotations for a specified time or range of times. These markers will appear on graphs throughout the Portal for your site or account, depending on how the marker is configured.
View Event Markers on your site
To begin, click on the Settings & Administration gear icon in the top right of your screen. Then, scroll down to find the Event Markers button under the "Other " section. If you cannot see this link, you do not have access to this page and should contact an administrator.
Create a Site Event Marker
To create a new marker, click Create Event Marker. To edit an existing marker, click the pencil icon next to the marker you'd like to update. To delete an existing marker, click the trash can icon next to the marker you wish to delete.
When creating or editing a marker, you will be redirected to a configuration page.
- Enter a Marker Name.
- Enter an Annotation, which corresponds to the text that appear on the marker line.
- Select a Timezone.
- Specify a Time of Marker when the event occurred. If the event occurred at one time, uncheck the Range of Times box and select a single date. If this event occurred over time, check the Range of Times box and select a range of dates.
- Select the Scope for the marker. If “Site-Wide” is selected, markers will only be visible to your site. If “Account-Wide” is selected, markers will be visible to all sites in your account. Account-wide markers allow you to configure one marker for multiple sites.
- Select a Line Color, Line Thickness, and Line Style. You'll see a preview of the marker line each time you change these.
- If desired, enter a Description.
- Lastly, verify that all information is correct. For new markers, click Create. If you are editing an existing marker, click Update to save your changes. To cancel your changes, click Back and you'll return to the previous page.