Below are the release notes for the push that just went live on 4/20. The main focus of this release was to introduce the new extended custom variables. We also fixed a minor issue with the genius cache that semes to have fixed an issue where certain 24 hour queries wouldn’t come back as expected.
- New Features
- Extended Custom Variables
- New config screen under Site->Custom Variables
- There is a button to direct you there from the site edit screen
- Configure Custom Variables and Custom Numbers from the new screen (custom categories remain under site settings)
- Custom Variables now allow up to 1024 characters to be returned, up from 255
- Default limit is set at 50, per the contract
- New config screen under Site->Custom Variables
- Extended Custom Variables
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where you couldn’t have spaces or special characters in the display name of Custom Variables if the site was in the US2 datacenter
- Fixed tooltip and rounding errors on the Data Science page for custom variables
- Fixed an issue where the histogram graph erroneously allowed you to have a sub group
- Fixed an issue where occasionally the first time hitting the Performance Details page would cause the data to not appear until you changed the filters
- Fixed an issue on the RUM Performance Detail where multiple data points could come back for the page performance waterfall when you first load the page
- Fixed an issue on the Data Science page where certain custom variables used for the LCP info would cause a console error if it reached the character limit in the middle of encoding